“The Magic Ring”
Oil on canvas, 21″x13″ wide.
Artist Commentary: This is the cover image for the new illustrated version of Baron La Motte de Fouqué’s masterpiece, The Magic Ring. This book will be released in March, 2010, by Valancourt Books, and the painting represents the two main protagonists, Bertha and Sir Otto, along with the Magic Ring itself, against a backdrop that suggests the epic adventures they encounter in this Gothic and chivalric romance.
Fouqué was an acknowledged influence on George MacDonald and William Morris, and the former was an influence on J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and the rest of the Inklings. The Magic Ring, then, representing one of the greatest of the German Romantic novels, tapped into those same themes that would later mark works such as Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia.
13″x21″ original oil painting – AVAILABLE
13″x21″ wide signed and numbered prints – AVAILABLE
To purchase this original painting, please contact Jef by clicking here.
To purchase a print of this item, please click here.