““Across the Desert”
Oil on canvas, 13″x21″ wide.
Artist Commentary: I spent Saturday south of Archenland, in the bosom of the Great Desert. The sky crackled with darkling clouds, high-riding, and Brego and I strove ever southward ’til naught but sand dunes roiling stretched as far as eye could see. Once the sun began to sink, we halted, and I set up my easel and began rendering the siennas and cadmiums of the pleated plain. The riot of earthen hues was pocked by pitchy-purple storm clouds through which the sun’s rays peeked.
Then, with Helios hovering just above the horizon, I saw faint figures shimmering in the distance, and ere long a dappled horse hiked the nearest dune, bearing on his back a boy in blue. Another horse and rider followed, but I quickly strove to paint this first pair into my canvas as the last golden lights were quenching.
13″x21″ wide signed and numbered prints – AVAILABLE! Please click here.
13″x21″ original oil painting – $1400.00 US plus shipping.
To purchase this original painting, please click here.