

Mar 21

The Ring Goes South




“The Ring Goes South

Oil on canvas, 13″x21″ wide.

Artist Commentary:

I spent Saturday hiking the empty crags and peaks in the westernmost foothills of the Misty Mountains. The December day was chilly, but the winter sun made many of the heather-filled vales hint of the warmer days of autumn ending. As I was seeking for it, I came suddenly upon a prospect opening nearly at my feet: the edge of a cliff that fell down, down from the heights and into a green valley cleft into the rock below. From this height I espied waterfalls on the cliff face opposite me, and these plummeted to dwelling places that ran along a river below.

As I stood there, marveling at the view and considering whether I should attempt to paint it, I saw movement on the slopes before me. Soon an unusual couple strolled my way. The first was a tall old man with a staff; the second clearly a halfling, although why he was here so far from the Shire, I couldn’t guess. Then it dawned upon me. Certainly, these must be guests of the Last Homely House, which lay at the base of the cliffs upon which I then stood.


13″x21″ wide signed and numbered prints – AVAILABLE! Please click here.

13″x21″ original oil painting – $1400.00 US plus shipping.

To purchase this original painting, please click here.


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