Tag Archive: Rivendell

Mar 21

The Ring Goes South




“The Ring Goes South

Oil on canvas, 13″x21″ wide.

Artist Commentary:

I spent Saturday hiking the empty crags and peaks in the westernmost foothills of the Misty Mountains. The December day was chilly, but the winter sun made many of the heather-filled vales hint of the warmer days of autumn ending. As I was seeking for it, I came suddenly upon a prospect opening nearly at my feet: the edge of a cliff that fell down, down from the heights and into a green valley cleft into the rock below. From this height I espied waterfalls on the cliff face opposite me, and these plummeted to dwelling places that ran along a river below.

As I stood there, marveling at the view and considering whether I should attempt to paint it, I saw movement on the slopes before me. Soon an unusual couple strolled my way. The first was a tall old man with a staff; the second clearly a halfling, although why he was here so far from the Shire, I couldn’t guess. Then it dawned upon me. Certainly, these must be guests of the Last Homely House, which lay at the base of the cliffs upon which I then stood.


13″x21″ wide signed and numbered prints – AVAILABLE! Please click here.

13″x21″ original oil painting – $1400.00 US plus shipping.

To purchase this original painting, please click here.


Nov 02

Many Meetings


Many Meetings”
Oil on canvas, 21″x13″ wide.

Artist Commentary: I spent Saturday above the gorge of Bruinen, along the western slopes of Karningul. The purple peaks of the Misty Mountains loomed in the late morning, and the soft light of autumn filtered crystalline through turquoise skies. I set up my easel on the curved path, beside ivy-strewn balusters, and sought to capture the rich cadmium golds and reds of the trees below.

While I worked, two halflings approached from the Last Homely House: one young, cloaked, and raven-haired, and the other older, sporting a red velvet coat and steadying himself with his ebony cane. They barely noticed me as they passed by, so deep were they in conversation about their home in the far flung lands westward.

21″x13″ wide signed and numbered prints – AVAILABLE! Please click here.

21″x13″ original oil painting – $1200.00 US plus shipping.

To purchase this original painting, please click here.



Oct 29

Out of Imladris


Out of Imladris”
Oil on canvas, 13″x21″ wide.

Artist Commentary:I awoke Saturday in the crisp predawn hours and at first knew not where I lay. But morning’s chill reminded me; I had vowed to paint the Imladris pass at daybreak, and so had camped in the high places that hem the blessed vale. I threw back my cloak and beheld the stars fading in the east; then, with numbed hands, I prepared palette and canvas. The first roseate rays were rising above the peaks when up from the valley rode two pilgrims on the path: a tall old man with a cloak and pointed grey hat mounted on a great white steed, and beside him, what appeared to be a tow-headed youth riding a pony. They greeted me heartily as they passed, the glory of dawn now rendering all of the mists of the new spring day in swirls of cobalt, violet, and gold.

13″x21″ wide signed and numbered prints – AVAILABLE! Please click here.

13″x21″ original oil painting – $1400.00 US plus shipping.

To purchase this original painting, please click here.