Tag Archive: The Lord of the Rings

Nov 02

Many Meetings


Many Meetings”
Oil on canvas, 21″x13″ wide.

Artist Commentary: I spent Saturday above the gorge of Bruinen, along the western slopes of Karningul. The purple peaks of the Misty Mountains loomed in the late morning, and the soft light of autumn filtered crystalline through turquoise skies. I set up my easel on the curved path, beside ivy-strewn balusters, and sought to capture the rich cadmium golds and reds of the trees below.

While I worked, two halflings approached from the Last Homely House: one young, cloaked, and raven-haired, and the other older, sporting a red velvet coat and steadying himself with his ebony cane. They barely noticed me as they passed by, so deep were they in conversation about their home in the far flung lands westward.

21″x13″ wide signed and numbered prints – AVAILABLE! Please click here.

21″x13″ original oil painting – $1200.00 US plus shipping.

To purchase this original painting, please click here.



Nov 02

Boromir Fallen


“Boromir Fallen”
Oil on canvas, 13″x21″ wide.

Artist Commentary: Saturday at dawn I hiked the western shores of Nen Hithoel, wending my way southward toward the triple peaks that crown the falls of Rauros. Upon the green sward of Parth Galen, I paused to admire Tol Brandir’s hewn heights, when suddenly a huntsman’s horn sounded from the forest behind me. Urgent came that call, and I dropped my gear and sprang up the sylvan slopes of Amon Hen to render what aid I might.

The winding of the horn ceased, but I ran on, coming at last upon a glade littered with the lifeless bodies of orcs. But propped against a tree, on the edge of the clearing, I descried the huntsman, motionless, seated on the ground with broken sword still clasped in his mighty hand. He was pierced with many arrows, and beside him knelt a cloaked companion. I stood in silence before these two great men: the one having been released from all suffering; the other with head bowed in sorrow and hands clasped before him in the still, golden light of morning.

13″x21″ wide signed and numbered prints – AVAILABLE! Please click here.

13″x21″ original oil painting – $1400.00 US plus shipping.

To purchase this original painting, please click here.


Nov 02



Oil on canvas, 13″x21″ wide.

Artist Commentary:I spent an unsettled Saturday traveling the Great East Road, among the wild and tangled woods that climb ever upward toward the Misty Mountains. Halting Brego in the Trollshaws, many leagues west of Bruinen, I spied a prospect opening upon the northern marches; here I beheld a glimmering lake on which played sunbeams that smote the moody scape. And while clouds churned and thunders threatened, I hastened to set up my easel and sketch the scene.

But just as storms most threatened, I perceived a light in the west and heard the thunder of horse’s hooves upon the road. I sought shelter, but none was to be had. Yet, just as I feared the worst, one of the Fair Folk galloped into view on a great white steed. Tall, he was, yet fell, with power in his hand, and he merely nodded as he fled yet eastward on some grave errand. But in his passing, the gloom was vanquished. Golden light poured upon the road and pursued him; and in his wake I perceived a chiming of bells and a quickening of the air, as if all of these wild realms had been cleansed by his passing.

13″x21″ wide signed and numbered prints – AVAILABLE! Please click here.

13″x21″ original oil painting – $1800.00 US plus shipping.

To purchase this original painting, please click here.


Nov 02

On Woodland Trails



“On Woodland Trails”
Oil on canvas, 13″x21″ wide.

Artist Commentary:I spent Saturday in the Green Hill Country, near Wood Hall. Day dawned drab and dull, with high clouds and mists abounding. But skies soon brightened, and I hiked the hills and pitched my palette at forest’s edge. At teatime, I heard voices, and was joined on the ridge by a halfling and one of the Big Folk. They tarried, and the doughty doyen perched on the trunk of a felled oak tree and blew smoke rings across the wooded valley below us. After an hour, the companions continued on their way, fading off into the folds of the hazy afternoon hills while I my pigments plied.

13″x21″ wide signed and numbered prints – AVAILABLE! Please click here.

13″x21″ original oil painting – $1400.00 US plus shipping.

To purchase this original painting, please click here.


Oct 29

Amon Sûl


“Amon Sûl”
Oil on canvas, 13″x21″ wide.

Artist Commentary:I spent Saturday among the Weather Hills, east of Bree. Autumnal leaves lingered in the wild, and I hiked the hills seeking for Amon Sûl. In mid-morning I mounted a hillock and beheld the blanched ruins in crystalline morning light. I set up my easel and began to paint. Ere long, a rustling sounded from the tall grass behind me, and a ranger and a Hobbit appeared. They stood before me, surveying the remains of the watchtower, and then descended the hill to join their companions. I watched them all continue on their way, and a chill of foreboding came to me, despite the warmth of the sun and the aching beauty of the wild heaths.

13″x21″ wide signed and numbered prints – AVAILABLE! Please click here.

13″x21″ original oil painting – $1600.00 US plus shipping.

To purchase this original painting, please click here.


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