Monthly Archives: June 2013
Mystical Realms Newsletter for June, 2013
And welcome to my newsletter for June, 2013! Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think would be interested in keeping up with me! To receive these newsletters regularly, please drop me an email or subscribe online from my website ( ) or at: . Notices of events and items of interest are at the bottom of this email.
Pitchers ===============
• The 2014 Jef Murray – AL3P Middle-earth Calendar is now available! To learn details, and to order yours, see:
Prospects ===================
• The third great gathering of Tolkien fans in Kentucky has now been announced for September, 2014! A Long Expected Party 3 (acronym “AL3P) is now open for registration, and the 170 beds available at Shaker Village for the event are already largely claimed. Nevertheless, you can still register, and offsite lodging is still available. I’m delighted to announce that I will be one of three guests at the event; the other two are Dr. Michael Drout and Dr. Amy Sturgis. For more information, see:
• The first ever 2014 Jef Murray Chronicles Calendar is in the works! This calendar features images inspired by the Narnia tales of C.S. Lewis. Watch this space for more details!
• I am a confirmed guest of honour at this year’s Dragon*Con in Atlanta! Stay tuned for more details on panels, presentations, etc. that I’ll be participating in!
• I am also a confirmed guest at this year’s MythMoot II in December. Stay tuned for more info!
Ponderings ==============
Due to a protracted rest period being required for my strained shoulder, I have to put on hold my Ponderings. I have, at present, been reduced to typing with one hand only! I will resume the tale of Yeshi and the MEB brotherhood as soon as I am able, with apologies to those who have been enjoying it. I’d also like to request for prayers for healing for myself and Lorraine as we struggle through this very rough patch….
Nai Eru lye mánata
Celebrating a Middle-earth Midsummer’s Eve!
Signed copies of this brand new 2014 calendar are now available worldwide, shipped directly from the illustrator, and half of all proceeds go to support A Long Expected Party 3 in Kentucky! The calendar is loaded with Middle-earth inspired painting images from Jef’s galleries. You can purchase your own copy by clicking here.